Veterans Day is an important holiday created to help us remember those who have fought on our behalf. It can be difficult to share the meaning of this holiday with children, especially those who are too young to understand its meaning. Still, there are some great ways to spend the day with your kids in a meaningful way without having to go into great detail. Consider one of these simple activities.

Visit A Veteran

If you have a veteran in the family, make plans to spend the day visiting them with your kids. Plan a picnic, or simply stop by their home. Even if you don’t know someone in the family or among your friends who is a veteran, you can still brighten someone’s day.

Call a local veteran’s agency or association and ask if they have anyone who would like a visit. Many elderly veterans, especially those in homes, are lonely and would love to have this day honored by a visit from people who appreciate what they have done. Have your kids make a thank-you card to deliver, and maybe practice a little song to perform. The kids will find it fun, and the veterans will find it heartwarming.

Plan A Parade

Even if there is no local Veterans Day parade, you can make your own. Have the kids turn their little red wagon into a float and sit down to make decorations. Help them to make signs that say things like “Thank you, veterans.” You can then take the little parade on the road, walking through your neighborhood.

Make the parade even bigger by asking neighborhood children to join; you may even start something very special in your neighborhood that all of the local veterans will truly appreciate.

Send A Card

Even if you can’t meet with any veterans in person, have your children make homemade thank you cards that they can send to the local VA hospitals, homes, or any other location where they will reach the veterans. This simple gesture is a teaching opportunity for parents and also a way to show the veterans you care.

Contact the local VA office to find out where you can send your cards. As you make them, talk to your kids on a level they can understand about what it means to defend your country and the amazing thing veterans have done to make sure they are free and safe. If you do something like this every year, you will raise children who understand the importance of honoring veterans.